Friday, March 13, 2009

When I write

When i write
it all disappears
my worries at school; HOME
it doesn't matter
when i write - I- disappear
i go in to a new world
a world with out fear, lies and hatred
none of it matters
all that matters in this new world is me and my pen
some people feel hollow or intimidated,
when they look at a blank piece of paper
But when i stare at that same piece of paper,
I see inspiration
words waiting to be written,
i see emotions ready to be poured out into meaningful phrases
when i write
i fell a calm descend upon me
I no longer feel frustrated or heavyhearted
I just feel.....
with my writing i can go any where or be any one
with my written words i can express feelings, hope, dreams,
that i would never be able to say aloud
When i write
i get lost
even if it may be for only a little while
that little while is a euphoria
When i write
Everything is right in my world.